
Jakub Nvota

Together with Kamil Žiška he is the creator of Túlavé divadlo, he is the stage director and the author. He has studied stage directing at The Academy of Performing Arts in Bratislava. Túlavé divadlo is his home theatre but he also works in professional theatres in Slovakia and Czech republic. As most of the stage directors he does not act. But from time to time he plays in his own theatre.vAfter ten years pause he has started to work again with Kamil Žiška. They play as duo in their new cabaret and drama projects.You can see him in: Hamlet or the Recognition of a Skull, Romeo, Juliet and the Virus, Cyrano or the Farce about Nose,  Midsummer´s Night Nonsense, Century of  Humour, Don Quijote, The Fourth Third.
